2024年 発表論文


Du, M., J. Lei, D. Zhao, Y. Ai, Wudalianchi volcanism and mantle dynamics in Northeast China: New insight from Pn and Sn tomography, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 356, 107260, 2024年11月

Fan, J., D. Zhao, C. Li, L. Liu, D. Dong, Remnants of shifting early Cenozoic Pacific lower mantle flow imaged beneath the Philippine Sea plate, Nature Geoscience, 17, 347-352, 2024年3月12日

Gao, F., Y. Tian, D. Zhao, H. Li, C. Liu, Shear wave splitting and mantle dynamics of the southern Great Xing’an Orogenic Belt, Tectonophysics, 880, 230336, 2024年1月18日

Guan, P., J. Lei, D. Zhao, Machine-learning based location of the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo, Qinghai, China earthquake sequence: Insight into intraplate seismogenesis, Tectonophysics, 888, 230458, 2024年10月8日

Guan, P., J. Lei, D. Zhao, Relocation of the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo, Qinghai, China earthquake sequence and implications for seismogenic structure, J. Asian Earth Sci., 274, 106276, 2024年10月

Guo, H., D. Zhao, Z. Ding, Anisotropic tomography and mantle dynamics of the North China Craton, Geophys. J. Int., 236, 1455-1470, 2024年5月

Ishizu, K., Ogawa, Y., Tseng, K.H., Kunitomo, T., Kitaoka, N., Caldwell, T.G., Minami, T., Serita, S., Ichihara, H., Bertrand, E.A., Heise, W., Controlled-source electromagnetic survey in a volcanic area: relationship between stacking time and signal-to-noise ratio and comparison with magnetotelluric data, Geophys. J. Int.,ggae431, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggae431, 2024年12月3日

Jia, R., D. Zhao, R. He, Anisotropic tomography of eastern Tibet and its uncertainty from hypocentral errors, Geophys. J. Int., 238, 1223-1236, 2024年6月22日

Liang, X., D. Zhao, Y. Hua, Y. Xu, Big mantle wedge and intraplate volcanism in Alaska: Insight from anisotropic tomography, J. Geophys. Res., 129, e2023JB027617, 2024年1月1日

Lu, H., J. Lei, D. Zhao, Uppermost mantle structure and dynamics of the Tanlu fault zone: New insights from Pn anisotropic tomography, J. Asian Earth Sci., 268, 106170, 2024年5月

Lu, Z., J. Lei, D. Zhao, Y. Xu, L. Liu, C. Sun, Y. Ai, T. Taymaz, The magmatic plumbing beneath the Wudalianchi volcanic region, northeast China, is recharged by magma reservoirs under Keluo volcano, Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 575, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01748-2, 2024年10月9日

Okada, T., Martha K. Savage, Shin’ichi Sakai, K. Yoshida, N. Uchida, R. Takagi, S. Kimura, S. Hirahara, A. Tagami, R. Fujimura, T. Matsuzawa, E. Kurashimo, Y. Hiramatsu, Shear wave splitting and seismic velocity structure in the focal area of the earthquake swarm and their relation with earthquake swarm activity in the Noto Peninsula, central Japan, Earth, Planets, Space , 76, 24, 2024年2月4日

P. A. Jarvis, T. G. Caldwell, C. Noble, Y. Ogawa, and C. Vagasky, Volcanic lightning reveals umbrella cloud dynamics of the 15 January 2022 Hunga volcano eruption, Tonga, Bulletin of Volcanology, 86, 54, 2024年5月13日

Ren, X., X. Liu, D. Zhao, Subduction transforms azimutha anisotropy in the Juan de Fuca plate, Tectonophysics, 877, 230272, 2024年3月

Serrano, I., M. Dengra, F. Torcal, D. Zhao, Azimuthal seismic anisotropy in the crust beneath the Granada Basin (Spain), Tectonophysics, 882, 230360, 2024年7月9日

Tagami, A., M. Matsuno, T. Okada, Shin’ichi Sakai, M. Ohzono, K. Katsumata, M. Kosuga, Y. Yamanaka, H. Katao, T. Matsushima, H. Yakiwara, S. Hirahara, T. Kono, S. Hori, T. Matsuzawa, S. Kimura, T Nakayama, Group for the aftershock observations of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Stress field in northeastern Japan and its relationship with faults of recent earthquakes, Earth, Planets, Space, 75, 39, 2024年3月7日

Usui, Y., Uyeshima, M., Hase, H., Ichihara, H., Aizawa, K., Koyama, T., Sakanaka, S., Ogawa, T., Yamaya, Y., Nishitani, T., Asamori, K., Ogawa, Y., Yoshimura, R., Takakura, S., Mishina, M., Morita, Y., Three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure beneath a strain concentration area in the back-arc side of the northeastern Japan Arc, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028522, 2024年5月17日

Wang, X., S. Xia, H. Yang, H. Chen, D. Zhao, Structure and dynamics of southern Mariana margin: Constraints from seismicity, tomography and focal mechanisms, Tectonophysics, 878, 230300, 2024年3月

Xi, J., Y. Yu, D. Zhao, J. Hu, Modification of Archean cratons in southern Africa with foundered segments dropped into the shallow lower mantle, Geology, 52, 468-472. DOI: 10.1130/G52023.1, 2024年3月19日

Xie, F., Z. Wang, D. Zhao, R. Gao, X. Chen, Tilting‑axis anisotropic tomography and subduction dynamics of the Java-Banda arc, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 51, e2023GL107720, 2024年3月5日

Yang, Z., D. Zhao, Y. Dong, B. Cheng, Mantle structure, anisotropy, and dynamics of the Mendocino Triple Junction, northern California, USA, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 136. https://doi.org/10.1130/B37367.1., 2024年7月

Yoshida, K., Direct Evidence for Diverse Source Complexity in Small Earthquakes (Mw 3.3–5.0) Obtained from Near-Source Borehole Seismic Data, Seismological Research Letters, DOI:10.1785/0220230431, 2024年4月

Yuan, T., Z. Wang, D. Zhao, R. Gao, X. Chen, Multiple slabs and complex mantle flows in the Molucca Sea subduction zone, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. , 25, e2024GC011500. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2024GC011500, 2024年8月13日

Yuan, T., Z. Wang, D. Zhao, R. Gao, X. Chen, Seismic evidence for break-off of the Molucca Sea slab, Tectonophysics, 874, 230218, 2024年1月

Zhao, D., X. Liu, D. Zhao, Q. Qiao, L. Zhao, Subduction-driven mantle flow beneath active back-arc basins inferred from seismic anisotropy tomography, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 643, 118890, 2024年10月1日

Zhao, D., X. Liang, G. Toyokuni, Y. Hua, Y. Xu, Cause of enigmatic upper-mantle earthquakes in central Wyoming, Seismol. Res. Lett., 95, 2497-2505 DOI: 10.1785/0220230333, 2024年2月29日