2013年 発表論文


Abers, G.A., J. Nakajima, P.E. van Keken, S.. Kita, and B.R. Hacker, Thermal-petrological controls on the location of earthquakes within subducting plates, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 369-370, 178-187, 2013

Hasegawa, A. , J. Nakajima, T. Yanada, N. Uchida, T. Okada, D. Zhao, T. Matsuzawa, and N. Umino, Complex slab structure and arc magmatism beneath the Japanese Islands, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 277-290, 2013

Huang, Z., and D. Zhao, Mapping P-wave azimuthal anisotropy in the crust and upper mantle beneath the United States, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 225, 28-40, 2013

Huang, Z., and D. Zhao, Relocating the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquakes (M 6.0-9.0), Tectonophysics, 586, 35-45, 2013

Huang, Z., and D. Zhao, Mechanism of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake (Mw 9.0) and tsunami: Insight from seismic tomography, J. Asian Earth Sci., 70, 160-168, 2013

Huang, Z., D. Zhao, A. Hasegawa, N. Umino, J. Park, and I. Kang, Aseismic deep subduction of the Philippine Sea plate and slab window, J. Asian Earth Sci., 75, 82-94, 2013

Iguchi, M., T. Tameguri, Y. Ohta, S. Ueki, and S. Nakao , 2013, Characteristics of volcanic activity at Sakurajima volcano’s Showa crater during the period 2006 to 2011, 火山, 58(1), 115-135

Ito, Y., R. Hino, M. Kido, H. Fujimoto, Y. Osada, D. Inazu, Y. Ohta, T. Iinuma, and M. Ohzono, S. Miura, M. Mishina, K. Suzuki, T. Tsuji, J. Ashi, Episodic slow slip events in the Japan subduction zone before the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Tectonophysics, 600, 14-26, 2013

Liu, X., D. Zhao, and S. Li, Seismic heterogeneity and anisotropy of the southern Kuril arc: insight into megathrust earthquakes, Geophys. J. Int., 194, 1069-1090, 2013

Liu, X., D. Zhao, and S. Li, Seismic imaging of the Southwest Japan arc from the Nankai trough to the Japan Sea, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 216, 59-73, 2013

Lloyd, A., A. Nyblade, D. Wiens, S. Hansen, M. Kanao, P. Shore, and D. Zhao, Upper mantle seismic structure beneath central East Antarctica from body wave tomography: Implications for the origin of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst, 14, 902-920, 2013

Nagao, H., T. Higuchi, S. Miura, and D. Inazu, Time-Series Modeling of Tide Gauge Records for Monitoring of the Crustal Activities Related to Oceanic Trench Earthquakes Around Japan, Computer Journal, 56(3), 355-364, 2013

Nakajima, J., S. Hada, E. Hayami, N. Uchida, A. Hasegawa, S. Yoshioka, T. Matsuzawa, and N. Umino, Seismic attenuation beneath northeastern Japan: Constraints on mantle dynamics and arc mgmatism, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 5838-5855, 2013

Nakajima, J., K. Yoshida, and A. Hasegawa, An intraslab seismic sequence activated by the Tohoku-oki earthquake: Evidence for fluid-related embrittlement, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 3492-3505, 2013

Nakajima, J., N. Uchida, T. Shiina, A. Hasegawa, B.R. Hacker, and S.H. Kirby, Intermediate-depth earthquakes facilitated by eclogitization-related stresses, Geology, 41, 659-662, 2013

Nakao, S., Y. Morita, H. Yakiwara, J. Oikawa, H. Ueda, H. Takahashi, Y Ohta, T. Matsushima, and M. Iguchi, Volume change of the magma reservoir relating to the 2011 Kirishima Shinmoe-dake eruption – Charging, discharging and recharging process inferred from GPS measurements, Earth Planets Space, 65, 505-515, 2013

Naoi, M., M. Nakatani, S. Horiuchi, Y. Yabe, J. Philipp, T. Kgarume, G. Morema, S. Khambule, T. Masakale, and L. Rebiero, K. Miyakawa, A. Watanabe, K. Otsuki, H. Moriya, O. Murakami, H. Kawakata, N. Yoshimitsu, A. Ward, R. Durrheim, H. Ogasawara, Frequency-magnitude distribution of -3.7 < Mw < 1 mining-induced earthquakes around a mining front and b value invariance with post-blast time, Pure Appl. Geophys., doi: 10.1007/s00024-013-0721-7, 2013

Shiina T., J. Nakajima, and T. Matsuzawa, Seismic evidence for high pore pressure in the oceanic crust: Implications for fluid-related embrittlement, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 2006-2010, doi:10.1002/grl.50468, 2013

Suzuki, Y., T. Shiina, J. Kawahara, T. Okamoto, and K. Miyashita, Simulations of P-SV wave scattering due to cracks by the 2-D finite difference method, Earth Planets Space, 65, 1425-1439, doi:10.5047/eps.2013.06.008, 2013

Tian, Y., and D. Zhao, Reactivation and mantle dynamics of North China Craton: Insight from P-wave anisotropy tomography, Geophys. J. Int., 195, 1796-1810, 2013

Uchida, N., and T. Matsuzawa, Pre- and post-seismic slow slip surrounding the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake rupture, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 374, 81-91, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.05.021, 2013

Umeda, K., Kusano, T., A. Ninomiya, K. Asamori, and J. Nakajima, Spatial variations in 3He/4He ratios along a high strain rate zone, central Japan, J. Asian Earth Sci., 73, 95-102, 2013

Wang, J., and D. Zhao, P-wave tomography for 3-D radial and azimuthal anisotropy of Tohoku and Kyushu subduction zones, Geophys. J. Int., 193, 1161-1181, 2013

Wang, J., D. Zhao, and Z. Yao, Crustal and uppermost mantle structure and seismotectonics of North China Craton, Tectonophysics, 582, 177-187, 2013

Wei, W., and D. Zhao, The 2008 Iwate-Miyagi earthquake (M 7.2) and arc volcanism: Insight from irregular-grid tomography, Earth Science Frontiers, 20(2), 155-171, 2013

Wei, W., D. Zhao, and J. Xu, P-wave anisotropic tomography in Southeast Tibet: New insight into the lower crustal flow and seismotectonics, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 222, 47-57, 2013

Yoshida, T・J. Kimura・R. Yamada・V. Acocella・H. Sato・D. Zhao・J. Nakajima・A. Hasegawa・T. Okada・S. Honda, M. Ishikawa, O. D. A. Prima, T. Kudo, B. Shibazaki, A. Tanaka, T. Imaizumi, 2013, Evolution of late Cenozoic magmatism and the crust-mantle structure in the NE Japan Arc, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, doi 10.1144/SP385.15

Yoshioka, S., Y. Suminokura, T. Matsumoto, and J. Nakajima, Two-dimensional thermal modeling of subduction of the Philippine Sea plate beneath southwest Japan, Tectonophysics, 608, 1094-1108, 2013

Zhao, D., and Y. Tian, Changbai intraplate volcanism and deep earthquakes in East Asia: A possible link?, Geophys. J. Int., 195, 706-724, 2013

Zhao, D., Y. Yamamoto, and T. Yanada, Global mantle heterogeneity and its influence on teleseismic regional tomography, Gondwana Res, 23, 595-616, 2013

山本淳平・長田幸仁・太田雄策・平原 聡・出町知嗣・中山貴史・立花憲司・佐藤俊也・木戸元之・藤本博己, 日野亮太, 三浦 哲, 内田雅之, 2013, 衛星通信を活用したリアルタイムGPS解析 -地上通信障害時に地殻変動を実時間で把握するために-, 測地学会誌, 59(4), 133-145

長谷川昭・中島淳一・内田直希・海野徳仁, 2013, 東京直下に沈み込む2枚のプレートと首都圏下の特異な地震活動, 地学雑誌, 122(3), 398-417