2008年 発表論文


Aizawa, K., Y. Ogawa, T. Hashimmoto, T. Koyama, W. Kanda, Y. Yamaya, M. Mishina, and T. Kagiyama, Shallow resistivity structure of Asama Volcano and its implications for magma ascent process in the 2004 eruption, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 173, 165-177, 2008

Hirose, F., J. Nakajima, and A. Hasegawa, Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure and configuration of the Philippine Sea slab in southwestern Japan estimated by double-difference tomography, J. Geophys. Res., 113(B09315), doi:10.1029/2007JB005274, 2008

Hori, M., T. Iinuma, and T. Kato, Stress inversion method and analysis of GPS array data, C. R. Mecanique, 336(1-2), 132-148, 2008

Iinuma, T., Y. Ohta, S. Miura, K. Tachibana, T. Matsushima, H. Takahashi, T. Sagiya, T. Ito, S. Miyazaki, and R. Doke, A. Takeuchi, K. Miyao, A. Hirao, T. Maeda, T. Yamaguchi, M. Takada, M. Iwakuni, T. Ochi, I. Meilano, A. Hasegawa, Postseismic Slip Associated with the 2007 Chuetsu-oki Niigata, Japan, Earthquake (M6.8 on 16 July 2007) as Inferred from GPS Data, Earth Planets Space, 60(11), 1087-1091, 2008

Jiang, G., D. Zhao, and G. Zhang, Seismic evidence for a metastable olivine wedge in the subducting Pacific slab under Japan Sea, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 270, 300-307, 2008

Kido, M., Y. Osada, and H. Fujimoto, Temporal variation of sound speed in ocean: a comparison between GPS/acoustic and in situ measurements, Earth Planets Space, 60(3), 229-234, 2008

Nakajima, J., H. Iwamori, and A. Hasegawa, Reply to the comment on “Tomographic evidence for the mantle upwelling beneath southeastern Japan and its implications for arc magmatism” by H. Mashima, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 265, 322-323, 2008

Nakajima, J., and A. Hasegawa, Existence of low-velocity zones under the source areas of the 2004 Niigara-Chuetsu and 2007 Niigarta-Chuetsu-Oki earthquakes inferred fromm travel-time tomography, Earth Planets Space, 60(11), 1127-1130, 2008

Nakamura, M., Y. Yoshida, D. Zhao, and H. Takayama et al., Three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity structure beneath Japan, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 168, 49-70, 2008

Nishimoto, S., M. Ishikawa, M. Arima, Y. Yoshida, and J. Nakajima, Simultaneous high P-T measurements of ultrasonic compressional and shear wave velocities in Ichino-megata mafic xenoliths: Their bearings on seismic velocity perturbations in lower crust of Northeast Japan arc, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B12212, doi:10.1029/2008JB005587, 2008

Ohta, Y, S. Miura, T. Iinuma, K. Tachibana, T. Matsushima, H. Takahashi, T. Sagiya, T. Ito, and S. Miyazaki, R. Doke, A. Takeuchi, K. Miyao, A. Hirao, T. Maeda, T. Yamaguchi, M. Takada, M. Iwakuni, T. Ochi, I. Meilano, A. Hasegawa, Coseismic and postseismic deformation related to the 2007 Chuetsu-oki, Niigata Earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 60(11), 1081-1086, 2008

Ohta, Y., K. Takatsuka, S. Miura, and T. Sato, Seismic and Tsunami wave signal detection of the 2004 Sumatra- Andaman earthquake by high-rate kinematic GPS and broadband seismometer analysis, Proceedings of Symposium on Giant Earthquakes and Tsunamis, 1(1), 135-140, 2008

Ohta, Y. , M. Ohzono, S. Miura, T. Iinuma, K. Tachibana, K. Takatsuka, K. Miyao, T. Sato, and N. Umino, Coseismic fault model of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake deduced by a dense GPS network, Earth Planets Space, 60(12), 1197-1201, 2008

Osada, Y., M. Kido, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Kaneda, Development of a seafloor acoustic ranging system toward the seafloor cable network system, Ocean Eng., 35(14-15), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2008.07.007, 2008

Rino, S., Y. Kon, W. Sato, S. Maruyama, M. Santosh, and D. Zhao, The Grenvillian and Pan-African orogens: World’s largest orogenies through geological time, and their implications on the origin of superplume, Gondwana Reseach, 14, 51-72, 2008

Sano, Y., and J. Nakajima, Geographical distribution of 3He/4He ratios and seismic tomography in Japan, Geochem. J., 42, 51-60, 2008

Sato, T., S. Miura, Y. Ohta, H. Fujimoto, W. Sun, C.F. Larsen, M. Heavner, A. M. Kaufman, and J. T. Freymueller, Earth tides observed by gravity and GPS in southeastern Alaska, J. Geodyn., 46, 78-89, 2008

Shinohara, M., T. Kanazawa, T. Yamada, K. Nakahigashi, S. Sakai, R. Hino, Y. Murai, A. Yamazaki, K. Obana, and Y. Ito, K. Iwakiri, R. Miura, Y. Machida, K. Mochizuki, K. Uehira, M. Tahara, A. Kuwano, S. Amamiya, S. Kodaira, T. Takanami, Y. Kaneda and T. Iwasaki, Precise aftershock distribution of the 2007 Chuetsu-oki Earthquake obtained by using an ocean bottom seismometer network , Earth Planets Space, 60(11), 1121-1126, 2008

Shiraishi, R., E. Ohtani, K. Kanagawa, A. Shimojuku, and D. Zhao, Crystallographic preferred orientation of Akimotoite and seismic anisotropy of the Tonga slab, Nature, 455 , 657-660, 2008

Sun, A., D. Zhao, M. Ikeda, Y. Chen, and Q. Chen, Seismic imaging of southwest Japan using P and PmP data: Implications for arc magmatism and seismotectonics, Gondwana Research, 14, 535-542, 2008

Sun, Y., N. Toksoz, S. Pei, D. Zhao, F. Morgan, and A. Rosca, S wave tomography of the crust and uppermost mantle in China, J. Geophys. Res., 113, doi:10.1029/2008JB005836, 2008

Tsuji, Y., J. Nakajima, and A. Hasegawa, Tomographic evidence for hydrated oceanic crust of the Pacific slab beneath northeastern Japan: Implications for water transportation in subduction zones, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L14308, doi:10.1029/2008GL034461, 2008

Wang, J., and D. Zhao, P-wave anisotropic tomography beneath Northeast Japan, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 170, 115-133, 2008

Xia, S., D. Zhao, and X. Qiu, The 2007 Niigata earthquake: Effect of arc magma and fluids, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 166, 153-166, 2008

Xia, S. , D. Zhao, and X. Qiu, Tomographic evidence for the subducting oceanic crust and forearc mantle serpentinization under Kyushu, Japan, Tectonophysics, 449, 85-96, 2008

Yabe, Y., Evolution of source characteristics of AE events during frictional sliding, Earth Planets Space e-Letter, 60(6), e5-e8, 2008

Yamamoto, Y., R. Hino, K. Suzuki, Y. ito, T. Yamada, M. Shinohara, T. Kanazawa, G. Aoki, and M. Tanaka, K. Uehira, G. Fujie, Y. Kaneda, T. Takanami, and T. Sato, Spatial heterogeneity of the mantle wedge structure and interplate coupling in the NE Japan forearc region, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, doi:10.1029/2008GL036100, 2008

Yasuo Yabe, S.-R. Song, and C.-Y. Wang, In-situ stress at the northern portion of the Chelungpu fault, Taiwan, estimated on boring cores recovered from a 2-km-deep-hole of TCDP, Earth Planets Space, 60, 809-819, 2008

Yoshimura, R., N. Oshiman, M. Uyeshima, Y. Ogawa, M. Mishina, H. Toh, S. Sakanaka, H. Ichihara, I. Shiozaki, and et al., Magnetotelluric observations around the focal region of the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake (Mj6.9), Central Japan, Earth Planets Space, 60, 117-122, 2008

Yoshioka, S., M. Toda, and J. Nakajima, Regionality of deep low-frequency earthquakes associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea plate along the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 272, 189-198, , 2008

Zhao, D., J. Lei, and L. Liu, Seismic tomography of the Moon, Chinese Sci. Bull., 53, 3897-3907, 2008

岡田知己・海野徳仁・長谷川昭・2008年岩手・宮城内陸地震緊急観測グループ, 2008, 2008年岩手・宮城内陸地震 – 震源域の地下構造からみたマグマ・地殻流体との関係, 科学, 78, 978-984

海野徳仁, 2008, 岩手・宮城内陸地震, 文部科学時報, No.1594

海野徳仁, 2008, 41日間の地震見本市~最近の東北地方の地震活動~, 日本地震学会広報誌なゐふる, 70, 2-3

海野徳仁, 2008, 想定宮城県沖地震の震源域では何が起こっているのか?, 地震ジャーナル, 45, 8-13

海野徳仁, 2008, アスペリティモデルと想定宮城県沖地震, はくさん, 14

弘瀬冬樹・中島淳一・長谷川昭, 2008, Double-Difference Tomography法による関東地方の3次元地震波速度構造およびフィリピン海プレートの形状の推定, 地震2, 60, 123-138

三浦哲・太田雄策・大園真子・飯沼卓史・立花憲司・植木貞人・高塚晃多・宮尾佳世・佐藤俊也・対馬弘晃・高橋浩晃・山口照寛・笠原稔・鷺谷威・小澤和浩・福田真人・朝日友香・松島健・中元真美・山下裕亮・中尾茂, 2008, 2008年岩手・宮城内陸地震(M7.2)に伴った地震時・地震後地殻変動, 日本地震学会ニュースレター, 20(4), 10-14

松澤暢・内田直希, 2008, 釜石沖の規則的な地震活動とアスペリティ・モデル, なゐふる, 67, 4-5

中島淳一・長谷川昭, 2008, 東北日本弧下のマントルウエッジの地震学的構造とその解釈, 地学雑誌, 117(1), 76-92

長谷川昭, 2008, 火山直下の地殻とマントルの構造, 火山の事典(下鶴大輔・荒牧重雄・井田喜明・中田節也編),朝倉書店, 190-195,(分担執筆)

長谷川昭・中島淳一・北佐枝子・辻優介・新居恭平・岡田知己・松澤暢・趙大鵬, 2008, 地震波でみた東北日本沈み込み帯の水の循環-スラブから島弧地殻への水の供給, 地学雑誌, 117, 59-75

長田幸仁・水上知子・木戸元之・太田雄策・対馬弘晃・三浦哲・藤本博己, 2008, 10 Hz GPS 受信機導入による海底地殻変動 観測高度化の試み, 測地学会誌, 54(3), 141-151

藤本博己・木戸元之・長田幸仁・金田義行, 2008, GPS/A方式海底地殻変動観測に向けた観測システムの開発, 測地学会誌, 54(3), 181-187

木戸元之・藤本博己・長田幸仁, 2008, 過去の海底地殻変動観測における動揺センサーデータの有効利用について, 測地学会誌, 54(3), 163-179