2007年 発表論文


Abdelwahed, M.F., and D. Zhao, Deep structure of the Japan subduction zone, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 162, 32-52, 2007

Ariyoshi, K., T. Matsuzawa, R. Hino, and A. Hasegawa, Triggered non-similar slip events on repeating earthquake asperities: Results from 3D numerical simulations based on a friction law, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(L02308), doi:10.1029/2006GL028323, 2007

Ariyoshi, K., T. Matsuzawa, and A. Hasegawa, The key frictional parameters controlling spatial variations in the speed of postseismic slip propagation on a subduction plate boundary, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 256, 136-146, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.01.019, 2007

Hasegawa, A., N. Uchida, T. Igarashi, T. Matsuzawa, T. Okada, S. Miura, and Y. Suwa, Asperities and quasi-static slips on the subducting plate boundary east off Tohoku, NE Japan, The seismogenic zone of subduction thrust faults, Margins Theoretical Institute and Experimental Earth Science Series, Columbia University Press, New York, 451-475, 2007

Hasegawa, A., J. Nakajima, S. Kita, T. Okada, T. Matsuzawa, and S. Kirby, Anomalous deepening of a belt of intraslab earthquakes in the Pacific slab crust under Kanto, central Japan: Possible anomalous thermal shielding, dehydration reactions, and seismicity caused by shallower cold slab material, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, doi:10.1029/2007GL029616, 2007

Idehara, K., A. Yamada, and D. Zhao, Seismological constraints on the ultralow velocity zones in the lowermost mantle from core-reflected waves, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 165, 25-46, 2007

Ito, Y., K. Obara, K. Shiomi, S. Sekiguchi, and H. Hirose, Slow Earthquakes Coincident with Episodic Tremors and Slow slip events, Science, 315, 503-506, 2007

Kido, M., Detecting horizontal gradient of sound speed in ocean, Earth Planets Space, 59, e33-e36, 2007

Lei, J., and D. Zhao, Teleseismic evidence for a break-off subducting slab under Eastern Turkey, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 257, 14-28, 2007

Lei, J., and D. Zhao, Teleseismic P-wave tomography and the upper mantle structure of the central Tien Shan orogenic belt, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 162, 165-185, 2007

Maruyama, S., M. Santosh, and D. Zhao, Superplume, supercontinent, and post-perovskite: Mantle dynamics and anti-plate tectonics on the core-mantle boundary, Gondwana Research, 11, 7-37, 2007

Nakajima, J., and A. Hasegawa, Subduction of the Philippine Sea plate beneath southwestern Japan: Slab geometry and its relationship to arc magmatism, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B08306, doi:10.1029/2006JB004770, 2007

Nakajima, J., and A. Hasegawa, Deep crustal structure along the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone, Japan: its origin and segmentation, Earth Planets Space, 59, e5-e8, 2007

Nakajima, J., and A. Hasegawa, Tomographic evidence for the mantle upwelling beneath southwestern Japan and its implications for arc magmatism, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 254, 90-105, 2007

Nawa, K., N. Suda, K. Satake, Y. Fujii, T. Sato, K. Doi, M. Kanao, and K. Shibuya, Loading and Gravitational Effects of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami at Syowa Station, Antarctica, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 97(1A), S271-S278, 2007

Nolet, G., R. Allen, and D. Zhao, Mantle plume tomography, Chemical Geology, 241, 248-263, 2007

Okada, T., A. Hasegawa, J. Suganomata, N. Umino, H. Zhang, and C. Thurber, Imaging the heterogeneous source area of the 2003 M6.4 northern Miyagi earthquake, NE Japan, by double-difference tomography, Tectonophysics, 430, 67-81, 2007

Qi, C., D. Zhao, Y. Chen, and N. Ruppert, New insight into the crust and upper mantle structure under Alaska, Polar Science, 1, 85-100, 2007

Qi, C., D. Zhao, and Y. Chen, Search for deep slab segments under Alaska, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 165, 68-82, 2007

Rosat, S., S. Watada, and T. Sato, Geographical variations of the oSo normal mode amplitude: predictions and observations after the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 59(4), 307-311, 2007

Rubinstein, J., N. Uchida, and G. Beroza, Seismic velocity reductions caused by the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JB004440, 2007

Tian, Y., D. Zhao, R. Sun, and J. Teng, The 1992 Landers earthquake: Effect of crustal heterogeneity on earthquake generation, Chinese J. Geophys, 50, 1488-1496, 2007

Tian, Y., D. Zhao, and J. Teng, Deep structure of Southern California, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 165, 93-113, 2007

Uchida, N., T. Matsuzawa, W. L. Ellsworth, K. Imanishi, T. Okada, and A. Hasegawa, Source parameters of a M4.8 and its accompanying repeating earthquakes off Kamaishi, NE Japan – implications for the hierarchical structure of asperities and earthquake cycle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, doi:10.1029/2007GL031263, 2007

Xia, S., D. Zhao, X. Qiu, J. Nakajima, T. Matsuzawa, and A. Hasegawa, Mapping the crustal structure under active volcanoes in central Tohoku, Japan using P and PmP data , Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, doi:10.1029/2007GL030026, 2007

Yamada, A., and D. Zhao, Mapping the 660 km discontinuity under Japan Islands using mantle reflected waves, Earth Sci. Frontiers, 14(3), 47-56, 2007

Zhang, Y., D. Zhao, M. Matsui, and G. Guo, Strong temperature dependence of the first pressure derivative of isothermal bulk modulus at zero pressure: Implications for the thermodynamic validity of equations of state, J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JB004865, 2007

Zhao, D., Z. Wang, N. Umino, and A. Hasegawa, Tomographic Imaging Outside a Seismic Network: Application to the Northeast Japan Arc., Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 97, 1121-1132, 2007

Zhao, D., Seismic images under 60 hotspots: Search for mantle plumes, Gondwana Research , 12, 335-355, 2007

Zhao, D., S. Maruyama, and S. Omori , Mantle dynamics of western Pacific to East Asia: New insight from seismic tomography and mineral physics, Gondwana Research, 11, 120-131, 2007

Zheng, H. , T. Li, R. Gao, D. Zhao, and R. He, Teleseismic P-wave tomography evidence for the Indian lithospheric mantle subducting northward beneath the Qiangtang terrane, Chinese J. Geophys., 50, 1418-1426, 2007

伊藤喜宏・廣瀬仁・小原一成, 2007, 千島前弧スリバーの移動により形成される十勝沖陸側地殻内の応力場, 月刊地球, 29(5), 307-312

岡田正実・高山博之・弘瀬冬樹・内田直希, 2007, 地震長期発生確率予測に使用する更新過程対数正規分布モデルのパラメータ事前分布, 地震2, 60(2), 85-100

岡田知己・本堂周作・長谷川昭・Haijiang Zhang・Clifford Thurber, 2007, 2004年新潟県中越地震のアスペリティと応力集中機構, 月刊地球, 29(8), 481-491

河野俊夫・海野徳仁・長谷川昭, 2007, 1930年代に発生したM7クラスの宮城県沖地震の震度分布について, 地震2, 59, 339-353

海野徳仁・河野俊夫・岡田知己・中島淳一・松澤暢・内田直希・長谷川昭・田村良明・青木元, 2007, 1930年代に発生したM7クラスの宮城県沖地震の震源再決定-1978年宮城県沖地震のアスペリティでのすべりだったのか?-, 地震2, 59, 325-337

海野徳仁, 2007, まえがき「特集:2005年宮城県沖の地震」, 地震2, 59(4), 285

弘瀬冬樹・中島淳一・長谷川昭, 2007, Double-Difference Tomography法による西南日本の3次元地震波速度構造およびフィリピン海プレートの形状の推定, 地震2, 60, 1-20

佐藤忠弘, 2007, 測地観測とジオダイナミックス, 測地学会誌, 58(2), 113-122

三浦哲・飯沼卓史・油井智史・佐藤俊也・立花憲司・長谷川昭, 2007, 2005年宮城県沖地震(M7.2)に伴った地震時・地震後地殻変動から推定されたプレート境界面上のすべり分布, 地震2, 59(4), 371-379

三浦哲, 2007, 氷の島の火山-冷気と蒸気がおりなす南極「エレバス山」の風景, Newton, 27(5), 88-95

三浦哲, 2007, プレートの沈み込みと大地震発生メ カニズム ―最新の研究成果から―, 第39回溶融塩化学討論会講演要旨集, 49-50

三品正明, 2007, 東北大学における地殻変動連続観測, 測地学会誌, 53(4), 359-368

長谷川昭・中島淳一・弘瀬冬樹, 2007, スラブ地殻内の相転移の深さと上面地震帯-短期的ゆっくり滑り・深部低周波微動の発生を規定?-, 月刊地球, 29(6), 364-375

内田直希・松澤暢・三浦哲・平原聡・長谷川昭, 2007, 小繰り返し地震解析による宮城・福島県沖プレート境界の準静的すべり, 地震2, 59(4), 287-295

内田直希・松澤暢・平原聡・長谷川昭・笠原稔, 2007, 小繰り返し地震による東北日本沈み込みプレート境界での準静的すべりの推定, 月刊地球, 29(6), 383-391

柳沼直・岡田知己・長谷川昭・加藤研一・武村雅之・八木勇治, 2007, 近地・遠地地震波形インヴァージョンによる2005年宮城県沖の地震(M7.2)の地震時すべり量分布-1978年宮城県沖地震(M7.4)との関係-, 地震2, 60, 43-53

有吉慶介・松澤暢・日野亮太・長谷川昭, 2007, 宮城県沖地震を想定した連動破壊現象の可能性の検討, SENAC, 40(3), 45-56

有吉慶介・松澤暢・矢部康男・長谷川昭・加藤尚之, 2007, 沈み込みプレート境界における断層セグメント間の相互作用, 地震2, 59, 309-324