1993年 発表論文


Hasegawa, A., A. Yamamoto, D. Zhao, S. Hori, and S. Horiuchi, Deep structure of arc volcanoes as inferred from seismic observations, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 342, 167-178, 1993

Kato, N., K. Yamamoto, H. Yamamoto, and T. Hirasawa, A Stress-Corrosion model for strain-rate dependence of the frictional strength of rocks, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. Abstr., 30(5), 551-554, 1993

Miura, S., T. Sato, K. Tachibana, Y. Sumino, J. Endo, K. Goto, T. Moriguchi , and M. Otsu, Preliminary analyses of the 1992 Sagami Bay GPS campaign using the Bernese GPS software, ), , 5-9, 1993,,, Proc. Japanese Symp. on GPS(1993), 5-9, 1993

Miura, S., K. Tachibana, K. Hashimoto, E. Murakami, T. Kono, K. Nida, T. Sato, and S. Hori, GPS observation for regional crustal deformation around the northeastern Japan arc, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 39, 167-178, 1993

Nishimura, T., and H. Hamaguchi, Scaling law of volcanic explosion earthquakes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 2479-2489, 1993

Tanaka, S., and H. Hamaguchi, Velocities and chemical stratification in the outermost core, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 45, 1287-1301, 1993

Tanaka, S., and H. Hamaguchi, Travel times and velocities in the outer core based on the global observations of SmKS phases, Tohoku Geophys. Journ., 34, 55-87, 1993

Tanaka, S., and H. Hamaguchi, Degree one heterogeneity at the top of the Earth’s core, revealed by SmKS travel times, “Dynamics of Earth’s Deep Interior and Earth Rotation”, IUGG vol. 12 and AUG Geophysical Monograph vol. 72 (eds. J. L. LeMouel, D. Smylie and T. Herring), Amer. Geophys. Union, Washington, AUG Geophysical Monograph , 127-134, 1993

Umino, N., and I. S. Sacks, Magnitude-Frequency Relations for Northeastern Japan, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 83, 1492-1506, 1993

Zhao, D., and H. Kanamori, The 1992 Landers earthquake sequence: Earthquake occurrence and structural heterogeneities, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 1083-1086, 1993

Zhao, D., and A. Hasegawa, P-wave tomographic imaging of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Japan Islands, J. Geophys. Res., 98 , 4333-4353, 1993

河野俊夫・仁田交市・松本聡・堀内茂木・岡田知己・開原貴美・長谷川昭・堀修一郎・海野徳仁, 鈴木将之, 1993, 1962年宮城県北部地震(M6.5)震源域における微小地震活動, 地震2, 46, 85-94

佐藤秀幸・西谷忠師・三品正明, 1993, 宮城県北部地震震源域における電磁気観測, Conductivity Anomaly研究会論文集,  , 58-67

佐藤俊也・三浦哲・立花憲司, 1993, チェビシェフ近似多項式を用いた地殻水平変動の連続的表示方法, 測地学会誌, 39, 263-274

三浦哲・立花憲司・佐藤俊也・橋本恵一・加藤尚之・三品正明・平澤朋郎, 1993, 三陸はるか沖地震に伴って観測された余効的地殻変動, シンポジウム「これからの地殻変動研究・観測と地震予知」, 130-136

森田裕一・西村太志, 1993, GPS受信機基板を用いた地震観測用高精度時計の製作, 地震2, 46, 67-74

津村紀子・堀内茂木・長谷川昭・笠原敬司, 1993, 山梨県東部におけるフィリピン海プレート上部境界面の位置-SP変換波による推定-, 地震2, 46, 109-118

堀内茂木・松澤暢・松本聡・津村紀子・長谷川昭・堀修一郎・海野徳仁・河野俊夫・仁田交市・小菅正裕・佐藤魂夫, 1993, 高密度アレイ爆破観測による1931年小国地震震源域周辺の地震波錯乱体の分布, 地震2, 46, 75-84