1992年 発表論文


Hamaguchi, H., T. Nishimura, and N. Zana, Process of the 1977 Nyiragongo eruption inferred from the analysis of long-period earthquakes and volcanic tremors, Tectonophysics, 209, 241-254, 1992

Hayashi,S., M. Kasahara, K. Tanaka, H. Hamaguchi, and N. Zana, Major element chemistry of recent eruptive products from Nyamuragira volcano, Africa (1976-1989), Tectonophysics, 209, 273-276, 1992

Hirahara, K., and The Member of Joint Seismological Research, Three- dimensional P and S wave velocity structure in the focal region of the 1984 western Nagano Prefecture earthquake, J. Phys. Earth, 40, 343-360, 1992

Hirata, N., N. Takahashi, T. Amishiki, H. Katao, Y. Kaiho, S. Kashiwabara, R. Hino, H. Baba, and H. Shiobara,S. Koresawa, M. Shinohara, A. Kubo, T. Kanazawa, J. Kasahara, H. Kinoshita, Report on DELP 1989 Cruise in the TTT junction areas. Part 2: Upper crustal structure near the trench-trench-trench triple junction off Boso Peninsula, Japan, Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst. , 67, 1992

Horiuchi, S., and others, The 1986 Joint Seismological Research in Western Nagano Prefecture ?Hypocenter locations by a dense network?, J. Phys. Earth, 40, 313-326, 1992

Horiuchi, S., T. Matsuzawa, and A. Hasegawa, A realtime processing system using personal computers observed in the 1986 Joint Seismological Research in Western Nagano Prefecture, J. Phys. Earth, 40, 395-406, 1992

Inamori, T., S. Horiuchi, and A. Hasegawa, Location of mid-crustal reflectors by a reflection method using aftershock waveform data in the focal area of the 1984 Western Nagano Prefecture Earthquake, J. Phys. Earth, 40, 379-393, 1992

Kasahara, M., H. Hamaguchi, K. Tanaka, N. Zana, and M. Kabwik, Recent horizontal crustal movements in and around volcano Nyamuragira, Zaire, Tectonophysics, 209, 267-272, 1992

Kato, N., K. Yamamoto, H. Yamamoto, and T. Hirasawa , Strain-rate effect on frictional strength and the slip nucleation process, Tectonophysics, 211, 269-282, 1992

Minoura, K., and Hasegawa, A. , Crustal structure and its evolution in the northeastern Japan arc, Island Arc, 1, 2-15, 1992

Tanaka, S., and H. Hamaguchi, Heterogeneity in the lower mantle beneath Africa, as revealed from S and ScS phases, Tectonophysics, 209, 213-222, 1992

Yamazaki, F., and The Member of Joint Seismological Research, Focal mechanism analyses of aftershocks of the 1984 western Nagano Prefecture earthquake, J. Phys. Earth, 40, 327-341, 1992

Zhao, D., and H. Kanamori, P-wave image of the crust and uppermost mantle in southern California, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 2329-2332, 1992

Zhao, D., A. Hasegawa, and S. Horiuchi, Tomographic imaging of P and S wave velocity structure beneath northeastern Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 97 , 19909-19928, 1992

Zhao, D., S. Horiuchi, and A. Hasegawa, Seismic velocity structure of the crust beneath the Japan Islands, Tectonophysics, 212 , 289-301, 1992

加藤尚之・山本清彦・山本英和・平澤朋郎, 1992, 岩石の固着-すべりにみられる断層至近距離の高周波震動, 地震2, 45(3), 305-315

加藤尚之・山本清彦・山本英和・平澤朋郎, 1992, 高周波強震動発生機構に関する岩石の固着-すべり実験, 東北災害研究, 28, 99-102

加藤尚之・山本清彦・楠瀬勤一郎・平澤朋郎, 1992, 低速伝播すべりの発生機構, シンポジウム「内陸地震-発生の場と物理」, 28-32

三浦哲・橋本恵一・佐藤俊也・堀修一郎・村上栄寿・立花憲司・河野俊夫・仁田交市, 1992, GPSによる東北日本弧の広域地殻変動, 月刊地球, 14, 436-441

三品正明, 1992, ニイラゴンゴ,ニアムラギラ火山地域の重力異常, 月刊地球, 14, 756-761

小菅正裕・長谷川昭, 1992, 火山下に分布する低周波微小地震の発生機構, 内陸地震?発生の場と物理?, 22-27

松本聡・長谷川昭, 1992, 自然地震の反射S波による地殻不均質構造の推定, 内陸地震?発生の場と物理? , 63-66

植木貞人, 1992, ニイラゴンゴ・ニアムラギラ火山の最近の火山活動, 月刊地球, 14, 729-733

森田裕一・浜口博之・N. Zana, 1992, アフリカ大陸での広帯域地震観測, 月刊地球, 14, 724-728

西村太志・田中和夫・浜口博之・笠原稔・N. Zana, 1992, ニアムラギラ火山の側噴火に伴う微動の発生過程, 月刊地球, 14, 762-767

大学合同観測班地球物理班(清水洋他), 1992, 雲仙火山1990~1991年噴火の地球物理観測(その1), 火山, 37, 209-215

長谷川昭・山本明・堀内茂木, 1992, 島弧火山の深部構造と内陸地震, 内陸地震?発生の場と物理? , 28-32

田中聡, 1992, アフリカ大陸のホットスポット分布とその起源, 月刊地球, 14, 718-723

浜口博之・西村太志・N. Zana, 1992, ニイラゴンゴ火山の噴火と溶岩湖の消滅, 月刊地球, 14, 768-773

浜口博之, 1992, 東アフリカ台地と火山活動, 月刊海洋, 14, 713-717

堀内茂木・津村紀子・長谷川昭・堀修一郎・仁田交市, 1992, 微弱反射波検出のための高密度アレイ地震観測システム, 地震2, 45, 255-258

林信太郎・笠原 稔・田中和夫・浜口博之・N. Zana, 1992, ニイラゴンゴ・ニアムラギラ火山1900年代の噴出物の化学組成, 月刊地球, 14, 744-749