4/27 | 木戸 元之(Kido) ROV recovery and re-installation of extensometers in the Sea of Marmara |
5/11 | 市來 雅啓(Ichiki) The summary at this stage of the electrical resistivity models beneath Azuma and Zao volcanoes, NE Japan |
5/18 | [連合大会リハーサル] |
5/25 | [連合大会] |
6/1 | 矢部 康男(Yabe) Rock friction in and around aftershock cloud of the Orkney earthquake, South Africa, drilled by ICDP-DSeis project |
6/8 | 太田 雄策(Ohta) A review of the regional GNSS observation networks and its new advances |
6/22 | 福島 洋(Fukushima) Toward detection of mm-scale signals of transient fault slip in Japan using InSAR and deep learning |
6/29 | 豊国 源知(Toyokuni) P-wave mantle tomography beneath Australia, New Zealand, and surrounding regions |
7/6 | 高木 涼太(Takagi) 3D Vs structure along the Japan Trench inferred from ambient noise surface wave tomography using S-net data |
7/13 | 東 龍介(Azuma) Structural characteristic illuminating a large shallow slip zone of the 17th century Kuril earthquake |
9/28 | 山本 希(Yamamoto) Recent observations at Azuma volcano and a brief review of flow-induced oscillations |
10/5 | 岡田 知己(Okada) An attempt to predict strong ground motions by a blind fault beneath the coastal plain: In the case of the southern Sendai Plain blind fault |
10/12 | [4年生研究発表会リハーサル] |
10/19 | 吉田 圭佑(Yoshida ) Near-field waveform modeling of intense and unusual seismicity near the Ibaraki-Fukushima border |
10/26 | [地震学会リハーサル] |
11/2 | [地震学会] |
11/9 | [Interim presentation for master thesis] |
11/16 | [Department of Geophysics Joint Seminar] |
11/30 | 富田 史章(Tomita ) Recent progress in domestic and global GNSS-Acoustic observations |
12/7 | 趙 大鵬(Zhao ) 2013年米国Wyoming州の上部マントルM4.8地震の成因:スラブなしの稍深発地震? Cause of enigmatic upper-mantle earthquakes in central Wyoming |
12/14 | [AGU Fall Meeting] |
12/21 | 日野 亮太(Hino) Mechanism of the large trench-breaching coseismic slip during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake |
1/4 | 松澤 暢(Matsuzawa ) Space-time fluctuation of the interplate locking before the 2011 Tohoku earthquake |
1/9 | [4年生研究発表会リハーサル] |
1/11 | 三浦 哲(Miura) GNSS Time Series Analysis |
1/18 | [修士論文提出前日] |
1/25 | [Rehearsal for MC/DC defense] |