2022年度 雑誌会



4/21 木戸 元之(Kido)
Mantle plumes and their role in Earth processes
4/28 市來 雅啓(Ichiki)
Attitude of induction vector in NE Japan, and a character of quadrature phase induction vector — A forward modeling approach
5/19 [連合大会リハーサル]
5/26 [連合大会]
6/2 [連合大会]
6/9 矢部 康男(Yabe)
Stress state in the source region of Mw2.2 earthquake in a deep gold mine in South Africa determined from borehole cores
6/16 太田 雄策(Ohta)
Potential for crustal deformation monitoring using a dense cell phone carrier GNSS network and low-cost GNSS observation system
6/23 東 龍介(Azuma)
Seismic surveys around the source area of the 17th south Kuril earthquake: What kind of structure is the coseismic shallow large slip region characterized?
6/30 福島 洋(Fukushima)
Societal and Observational Problems in Earthquake Risk Assessments and Their Delivery to Those Most at Risk
7/7 豊国 源知(Toyokuni)
P-wave mantle tomography beneath the Mediterranean Sea and its surroundings
7/14 高木 涼太(Takagi)
Multi-mode dispersion measurement of surface waves extracted by multi-component ambient noise cross-correlation functions
10/6 岡田 知己(Okada)
Shear wave splitting in the focal area of the earthquake swarm in the Noto Peninsula, central Japan
10/13 [4年生研究発表会リハーサル]
10/20 [地震学会リハーサル]
11/10 吉田 圭佑(Yoshida )
Case studies of the generation processes of some recent earthquakes: Earthquake swarm in northeast Noto and the 2015 Mw6.8 Miyagi-Oki earthquake
11/17 [修論中間発表]
11/24 松澤 暢(Matsuzawa )
What kind of information can we disseminate to the public before a megathrust earthquake? -Difference between the regions along the Nankai Trough and Kuril/Japan Trenches-
12/1 富田 史章(Tomita )
Possible repeated occurrence of long-term aseismic slip event off Tohoku
12/8 趙 大鵬(Zhao )
The Big Mantle Wedge (BMW)
12/15 [AGU Fall Meeting]
12/22 日野 亮太(Hino)
Can we detect SSEs by S-net seafloor pressure observations?
1/10 [4年生研究発表会リハーサル]
1/12 三浦 哲(Miura)
GNSS-Interferometric Reflectometry – Principles & Applications –
1/19 [修士論文提出前日]
1/26 [Rehearsal for MC/DC defense]